Wednesday, October 11, 2017

'The Empire Of Ashes' By Anthony Ryan: The Explosive Finale Of The Draconis Memoria Trilogy

I have come to love Anthony Ryan even more. If you have come across his debut novel called Blood Song then you would certainly know what I am talking about. But a few common things that readers found were that the succeeding books in his first trilogy were getting weaker and weaker, especially the finale (The Queen of Fire) which most of the same readers didn't like that much.

I really hope his second trilogy does not suffer the same fate. I have high hopes for his The Draconis Memoria trilogy that I really needed the final book in the series, called The Empire of Ashes, to not suck and be better that its predecessor. We may have to wait for some time before we can know if that's true or I am just day dreaming. It will be released in the middle of next year.

The official cover has not been unveiled yet, but just like the previous unveiling, it may happen early next year six months prior to the publication. But it the meantime here is the placeholder cover, and I am sorry I was not able to make a fan-made cover, just like I did with The Legion of Flame.

The Empire of Ashes by Anthony Ryan


The third book of epic conflicts and arcane intrigue in New York Times bestselling author Anthony Ryan's Draconis Memoria series.

For hundreds of years, the Ironship Trading Syndicate was fueled by drake blood--and protected by the Blood-blessed, those few who could drink it and wield fearsome powers. But now the very thing that sustained the corporate world threatens to destroy it.

A drake of unimaginable power has risen, and it commands an army of both beasts and men. Rogue Blood-blessed Claydon Torcreek, Syndicate agent Lizanne Lethridge, and Ironship captain Corrick Hilemore, spread to disparate corners of the world, must rely upon the new powers and knowledge they have gained at great price to halt its forces--or face the end of all they know.

The Empire of Ashes by Anthony Ryan will be released on July 3, 2018.

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