I miss my Disney Pixar movie collection at home. I wish I'd brought them with me because it feels like I cannot handle the separation anxiety. I used to collect each and every feature length animated movie made by the said studio, but starting with Toy Story 3 I wasn't able to buy copies anymore due to priorities and such... you now have an idea what to give me for Christmas!
But after seeing the 3D conversions of some of my favorite Pixar films simply made the word addict an understatement. I needed to watch them again on the widescreen, to relive my good old days. Add to this desire the new movie that will be coming out in the coming months: Monsters University.
Monsters University is the 14th feature length animated movie to be released by Disney Pixar. It is a prequel to Monsters, Inc. that gave 'scare' a whole new meaning. Checkout these alma mater themed poster of the prequel:
Updated: Monster University theatrical poster:
Any avid Disney Pixar fan would know that the movies they're making are not full-time heart-breaking drama. The movies are always seasoned with a lot of comedy that is maybe why I liked them to the point of addiction. And to see the funny side of the story in its poster reassures us that the movie itself will be one hell of a laugh out loud ride.
Catch Mike and Sully as they relive their college years in Monsters University, which is set to be released on June 21, 2013.
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